



  美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)周六首先获得的一份备忘录显示,哈里斯竞选团队将特朗普对这项措施的支持视为一长串“厚颜无耻的人字拖”中的又一次政策变化。

  “截至今天早上,特朗普现在表示他支持大麻合法化——但作为总统,他自己的司法部打击大麻犯罪,”哈里斯的长期通讯助理伊恩·萨姆斯(Ian Sams)在备忘录中说,他在白宫法律顾问办公室工作一段时间后,于本月早些时候加入了竞选活动。


  特朗普竞选团队的一名官员在给美国广播公司新闻频道(ABC News)的一份声明中坚称,“特朗普总统多年来一直支持将这个问题留给各州解决。”







  Harris campaign criticizes Trump for 'brazen flip-flops' on marijuana

  Days after Vice PresidentKamala Harristook questions on her changing views on policy, her campaign sent out a memo criticizingDonald Trumpon his "brazen flip flops," including on marijuana reform, accusing the former president of "just making things up" ahead of the election.

  Saturday morning, Trump signaled in a social media post he supports a ballot measure in Florida, where he lives, that would legalize marijuana recreationally. While calling for the state legislature to "prohibit the use of it in public spaces, so we do not smell marijuana everywhere we go," Trump said, "someone should not be a criminal in Florida, when this is legal in so many other States."

  "We do not need to ruin lives& waste Taxpayer Dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them, and no one should grieve a loved one because they died from fentanyl laced marijuana," Trump added.

  The Harris campaign is framing Trump's support for the measure as another change in policy in a long line of "brazen flip-flops," according to a memo on Saturday, first obtained by ABC News.

  "As of this morning, Trump now suggests he is for legalizing marijuana – but as President, his own Justice Department cracked down on marijuana offenses," Ian Sams, a longtime Harris communications aide who joined the campaign earlier this month after a stint at the White House Counsel's Office, said in the memo.

  Trump’s record on marijuana has varied. While in office, his Justice Department announced it would remove an Obama-era policy that limited federal prosecutions for some sales of marijuana in states where it is legal, only for Trump to walk that back months later. He also expressed support for abipartisan billin 2018 to protect states’ pro-marijuana laws, but in 2019 he usedpart of his salaryto pay for a promotional campaign highlighting the negative effects of marijuana use.

  In a statement to ABC News, a Trump campaign official maintained, "President Trump has been consistent in his support for leaving this issue to the states for years."

  The memo comes just two days after Harris sat forher first wide-ranging interviewwith CNN more than a month after launching her campaign for president after President Joe Biden announced he was abandoning his reelection bid.

  Harris' role as vice president naturally required her to adopt Biden's agenda and platform, but since her ascension to the top of the ticket, how her policy views may differ from Biden's -- and that of her 2019 campaign -- have yet to be clearly defined.

  "My values have not changed," Harris said repeatedly in a CNN interview Thursday when pressed about her about-face on certain policy positions–particularly compared to what she ran in the 2020 primary.

  The Harris team's argument is that her record in office reflects her evolution on certain issues, but that Trump's does not.

  "As soon as Trump starts catching heat for his unpopular agenda and record," Sams said, referencing Project 2025, "he rushes out to claim he would actually do the opposite. It's a desperate play from a candidate whose back is up against the wall running against Vice President Harris."

  "But it demands scrutiny," Sams argued. "He was President for four years, and how he exercised his power on these issues is the best metric for how he will do so again if he gets the chance. What he says now is just desperate pandering from a scared man who is worried he will lose."


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