







  著名的嘉宾包括《顶级厨师》主持人汤姆·库里其奥——他用吉他为厨房演唱了一首小夜曲,克里斯汀·基什南希·西尔弗顿(Nancy Silverton)、克里斯·比安科(Chris Bianco)和其他人在晚上的整个过程中不断放大,因为加州众议员埃里克·斯瓦尔韦尔(Eric Swalwell)和厨师苏珊·费尼格尔(Susan Feniger)帮助组织了这次活动,他们在厨房里演示了三道菜:无花果酥配奶酪开胃菜、哈里斯自己的烤鸡食谱,以及作为甜点的“椰树”饼干。

  全球知名的米其林两星厨师、人道主义者和世界中央厨房创始人José Andrés称赞了哈里斯在厨房的刀术和能力,同时也强调了她对食品相关政策的兴趣。


  安德烈斯回忆了她成为副总统之前与哈里斯的互动,她说,感恩节那天,她和丈夫道格·艾姆霍夫(Doug Emhoff)一起参加了WCK在华盛顿特区的一个活动,为“无家可归的人(个人)和有前科的人”做饭,以确保她发出了一个信息,即每个人都很重要,你需要出现来解决美国面临的问题。”

  他还谈到了她竞选伙伴明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹(Tim Walz)说,“我不知道我更喜欢他哪一点,他在他的州倡导普及学校膳食,还是他获奖的tater tot hot dish,我认为这是一个令人惊叹的食谱。”


  Cooking for Kamala event with Padma Lakshmi, José Andrés and more top chefs raises over $200K

  More than 60 of the world's best chefs andrestaurateurson Thursday joined Cooking for Kamala, a virtual Zoom fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris' 2024 presidential campaign.

  The event, co-hosted by Joel McHale and Padma Lakshmi, was inspired by the vice president's own love of cooking and raised $222,955 for the Harris-Walz campaign.

  Culinary leaders spoke during the event about what's at stake for the food industry in November.

  Top chefs join Cooking for Kamala culinary-themed campaign fundraiser

  McHale kicked things off with a few lighthearted punchlines, telling participants there were "so many Michelin stars being thrown around, we could open up a tire shop."

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  Notable guests including "Top Chef" host Tom Colicchio -- who serenaded the kitchen with his guitar and a rendition of "Eyes on the Prize" -- Gail Simmons,Kristen Kish, Nancy Silverton, Chris Bianco and more zoomed in throughout the course of the evening, as California Rep. Eric Swalwell and chef Susan Feniger, who helped organize the event, led in-kitchen demonstrations of three dishes: a fig crisp with cheese appetizer, Harris' own roasted chicken recipe, and, for dessert, "out of a coconut tree" cookies.

  Freshly baked coconut cookies straight out of the coconut tree!!! 🥥🌴#CookingForKamalahttps://t.co/f38gyQyEy7pic.twitter.com/30OlfqGBxx

  — Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell)August 30, 2024

  Globally acclaimed two-Michelin-starred chef, humanitarian and World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés lauded Harris' knife skills and prowess in the kitchen, while also spotlighting her interest in food-related policies.

  "For me, when we have a leader that cares about food issues -- and I know Vice President Kamala Harris cares about them -- when you have a leader that knows and understands the power of feeding one another, that's the power to build longer tables," he said.

  Andrés recalled an interaction with Harris before she became vice president, saying she had joined a WCK event in Washington, D.C., on Thanksgiving with her husband Doug Emhoff to cook for "homeless [individuals] and ex-convicts, to make sure that she sent a message that everybody matters, and you need to show up to solve the problems America is facing."

  He also said of herrunning mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, "I don't know what I love more about him, that he championed universal school meals in his state or his award-winning tater tot hot dish, which I think is an amazing recipe."

  Famed movie producer Jamie Patricof, who helped put on the event, said that in his opinion, Harris would "be an advocate for all the chefs and all the restaurants around the world, so we need her amongst all the other amazing things she's going to do."


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